Monday, December 23, 2013

Twelve Days of Kinkmas

Nina came home from shopping on Black Friday to find her lover, Julia, wearing nothing but a pair of black panties and tying a bow over her pussy.

Nina dropped her shopping bags on the floor just inside the front door to their apartment to drink in the sight of Julia spread out on their light green couch, the fabric bringing out the green in her otherwise blue eyes, muscles taut as she lifted her torso off the couch to observe her own handiwork and a tiny crease of concentration adorning the bridge of her bold nose. Her breasts trembled slightly, betraying the effort it took to hold herself up in that position. Her long brown hair hung in exuberant corkscrews down her back, arms, and front, allowing Nina only the most tantalizing glimpses of her bare nipples.

"What are you doing, babe?" Nina asked, already planning how she might involve herself in Julia's activities.

Julia jumped and turned a startled gaze on Nina, her eyes wide and innocent. "Nothing!"

"It doesn't look like nothing. It looks like something that's already getting my panties very wet."

Julia tied the finishing touch on the bow. She'd used a satin ribbon stained a deep, rich red. The color brought out the pink tones in her skin, making it seem as if a light blush glowed from her everywhere. "It's your Christmas present."

"It's a month from Christmas." Nina stepped closer. "How about I open it now?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Julia sat straight up, her face stern and her arms crossed over her breasts. Nina couldn't help noticing the way the gesture pushed them upward, emphasizing their enticing curves.

She grinned. "Absolutely not? Even if I beg?"

An unmistakable shudder shook Julia's body. "Especially not if you beg."

That's the beginning of my story, "Don't Open Until Christmas," which appears in F. Leonora Solomon's Twelve Days of Kinkmas. If you're looking to get into the kinky holiday spirit, I recommend you pick it up at Ravenous Romance, Amazon, All Romance, Barnes & Noble, or wherever else you like to buy books!

And happy holidays to all!

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