Monday, December 16, 2013

Winter Warmers: The Day Before the Christmas Devil Comes

I asked my fellow Winter Warmers author Angela R Sargenti to play a game related to her story in the anthology, "The Christmas Devil," and she kindly obliged.

I once heard it said that a story is about a very important moment in a character's life, a time when something changes. I think sometimes about what happens before that moment comes. I asked Angie to tell me about what her character's life was like the day before the events of "The Christmas Devil," and she surpassed my expectations by writing me a short diary entry from her main character. Here it is:

My name is Katrina, and I am mistress of this grand old house. My parents died and left it to me two years ago, along with a pile of money.

These days, money is power, even for a woman, and I used my power to behave as a man does.

I’d heard of Krampus, sure. He is a common fixture where I live, and appears on the eve of St. Nicholas Day to take all the naughty little children to hell, or beat them and give them rocks instead of gifts. It’s a children’s tale, meant to frighten them into being good all year, lest St. Nicholas take them off his good list and place them on Krampus’s naughty list.

That’s all it is.

Or so I thought, until he also came to me.

Why, on December 4th, I had no idea of the monster’s true existence and was making plans to steal away and visit one of my several lovers. I never knew the danger to my backside from Krampus’s fearsome birch switch.

But I know it now, and believe me, I shall endeavor to keep myself on the straight and narrow from here on out. Next St. Nicholas day I shall be rejoicing instead of facing that infernal creature.

- Katrina Bell

"The Christmas Devil" is the story of a naughty young lady who is given the choice between going to hell or submitting to the birch.


Angela’s currently hard at work on her latest novel, and she has penned dozens of erotica stories for sites such as Leo DeGraunce, For The Girls, and Oysters & Chocolate, among others. Her work appears in Best Bondage Erotica 2012 (under her pen name, AR Shannon), The House of Erotica Summer Scorchers Collection, and more recently the anthology, Baby Got Back: Anal Erotica. Yet more stories are to appear in upcoming anthologies, and an erotic fairy tale, “Lord Sir Beast,” is to be released in the very near future. She has served as guest editor for the August 2012 issue of Leo DeGraunce and she has four e-books of her own, Working Out the Kinks, Start Me Up: A Collection of Erotic Love Stories, So Spankable! and Brattitudes. For more information, please check out her links:

@angiesargenti on Twitter



(Incidentally, if you would like to amaze yourself, look up Krampus on Google images or a similar service. I once came across an unbelievable collection of images at a museum in Fall River, Massachusetts—surprising, disturbing, and arousing illustrations. I was so pleased when I saw that Angie had written about him because I knew someone needed to do it.)

You can read Angie's story, mine ("Filled With Christmas Spirit"), and many others in Winter Warmers, which is available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, All Romance, and many other e-book distributors. It's also available in paperback!